Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Doctor

The Doctor by Sir Luke Fildes.

Photo courtesy-

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Plastic And Health

It is the age of plastic. We find and use plastic everywhere. They have made certain things hygienic, for example disposable spoons and plates. They  in innumerable ways touch our life from bags, toys, cellular phones, walls, water bottles and so on....

The chemicals in plastic do get released and have an impact on health. The health of present and future generation is continuously at risk. Judicious and safe use of plastic is need of the hour.

One important tip is do not consume anything stored in plastic which has been exposed to heat for a long time. Plastics leech chemicals when the temperature increases. So water stored in water bottles for a long period are no no. Packing food in plastic bags or containers is hazardous. There may not be any immediate effect but consider that from the time we are in our mother's womb to adulthood we are continuously exposed to chemicals. Prudent to avoid at least in the growing years when our organs are far more susceptible to damage.

Animal models and computational models give us the clue about risk of plastics. Prudence will be to take heed and not wait to take action till concrete evidence of harm is established.
Few highlights:

1. They release estrogenic chemicals. Estrogen is the female hormone. It can have adverse endocrine and other effects.

2. Phthalates in plastic can increase obesity and insulin resistance (promote risk of diabetes).

3. Plastic fumes are injurious to lungs.

Ubiquitous presence of plastics need to challenged by judicious usage.

Reduced usage and better disposal of plastic needs attention from everyone.

Plastic industry should accelerate technology of plastic disposal.


1. Read to understand different types of plastic.

2. An excellent review

Animal models and computational models give us the clue about risk of plastics. Prudence will be to take heed and not wait to take action till concrete evidence of harm is established.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Exclusive Breast Feeding-Just Do It

WHO recommends exclusive breast feeding for first six months. This recommendation is for everyone but unfortunately everyone do not practice it. There are many reasons for that.

To strengtthen the case for exclusive breast feeding there is more evidence from this study

Breastfeeding, introduction of other foods and effects on health: a systematic literature review for the 5th Nordic Nutrition Recommendations

published Food and Nutrition Research. You can read the full text article here.

Let me highlight the main points:

1. Evidence is convincing about benefit of breastfeeding against overweight and obesity in childhood and adolescence.

2. Benefit against infections, acute otitis media (ear infections), and gastrointestinal and respiratory infections.

3. There is probable evidence that it is beneficial against inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease, and diabetes.

4. Probable benefit on IQ.

5. Probable small reductive effect on blood pressure and blood cholesterol in adulthood.

 Enough reasons I guess!!

Sunday, April 14, 2013


Ageing and uncertainties in love, work, economic well being, social acceptance is making us stare at an epidemic of mental health disorders.
Depression leads the problem cutting across different age groups. Dementia, Alzheimer's, brain injury, schizophrenia, autism, epilepsy and Parkinson are other villains affecting our mental health. We are fr away from understanding these disorders and also having implementable effective strategies to combat them.

In this light the initiative of Barrack Obama to give a special focus on mental health through BRAIN INITIATIVE is laudable.
The premise is by understanding the activity of the human brain, by mapping the neural pathways, by imaging it, we will make progress in unraveling the mystery of brain and its afflictions.

There are voices which bring attention to the plight of children and maternal care. By improving health, nutritional, educational and access parameters for infants and children we may probably tackle mental health in a much better way.
To quote from Lancet article, "As many as 200 million children fail to reach their full potential as a result of exposure to risk factors—malnutrition, infection, poor management of pregnancy, birth complications, and lack of stimulation and nurturing—in the first 1000 days of life. Protecting young brains from these threats in developing nations should be part of the BRAIN Initiative to ensure that the project has global impact, he says."

Guess we need to hack at the root as well as take care of the leaves and branches of the problem!

Friday, April 05, 2013

World Health Day-Hypertension

April 7 is celebrated as World Health Day. The theme for this year is Hypertension that is high blood pressure. Its global brief is here.
Hypertension increases the risk of heart attack, strokes and kidney failure. Hypertension is defined as systolic blood pressure equal to or above 140 mm  HG and diastolic blood pressure above 90 mm Hg.
The leading risk factor for global disease burden is high blood pressure. This has been validated in this Lancet publication also.
Hypertension is a leading non communicable disease. It affects people across socioeconomic class. Developed and developing nations-all suffer from this. The African nation has the highest number of adults older than 25 years suffering from hypertension. India, China will also lead this epidemic with increasing elderly population.

Society collectively needs to aim at preventing itself from the ills of hypertension.

The following measures need to be considered.

1. Reduction in salt intake.

2. Avoid smoking and those who smoke need to quit.

3.Creating a culture for physical activity. Providing incentives for outcomes of physical activity.

4. Avoiding harmful use of alcohol.

5. Poor Sleep

Hypertension is asymptomatic in early stages. It is insidious and has ice berg phenomenon. Routine blood pressure check up can give an early diagnosis to hypertension and pre-hypertension stage. Life style modifications and preventive measures will keep one away from this disease and its complications.

Let us all fight Hypertension.

Intend to do a free blood pressure check up in two places on Sunday. Will post about it.




