Wednesday, March 13, 2013

DVT, Cancer & Exercise

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is a serious complication in many diseases. It is a common post-surgical complication which with the righ prophylaxis is taken care of.

Deep vein thrombosis is clot in the deep vein and when this gets dislodged and move can cause stroke, pulmonary embolism and also damage to heart.

DVT is seen in upto 50% of cancer patients but unfortunately is underdiagnosed. DVT in cancer patients can be because of various reasons. Some cancers like lung, colon, ovary, pancreas, stomach and endometrium have greater risk of DVT because of increased viscoity of blood. Few treatments can increase rik of DVT, example tamoxifen.

DVT can present insidiously. At times one can have redness, pain when the veins in the thigh are involved. If pulmonary embolism ha happened there can be dry cough, breathlessness.

Any perosn with cancer needs to be aware of DVT and should ask his treating Oncologist about the same and be on vigil.
Primary and seconadry prophylaxis have their own challenges. One needs to tell the treating phyician about all the medications one is taking as drug interactions are very common.

Take home message is:

1. Be on vigil
2. Drug interactions are common, so ask your doctor about the same when you are taking multiple medications.
3. Be active, exercise helps blood circulation and also in many other ways.
4. Be hydrated always.
5. Take extra precautions on long haul flights.

Be aware and ask right questions!







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