Friday, February 24, 2006


Recent articles in the leading journal Lancet go on to prove that the tobacco companies, with enough research data generated by them, have mislead us and the international regulatory bodies. People who have smoked low tar cigarretes , in the belief that it was healthy might have caused more harm to themselves. Something called as "elastic cigarretes" had people inhaling deeper to get the same nicotine levels, leading to greater inhalation of toxic products.
photograph from BBC

Addictions of different kind give varied pleasure and a sense of happiness, but u have to see some one with cancer to understand what a price u r paying for smoking. Luckily all those who smoke dont end up with cancer. Till the time that medicine comes out with a test to say whether u will suffer from taking tobacco or not, it is better to abstain. Some figures to illustrate the damage caused.
In the UK, about 1000 people a year die from
second-hand tobacco smoke, and over 100 000 a year
die from smoking.

Almost five million people died from smoking-related diseases across the world in 2000, researchers estimate. The researchers estimated that there were 4.83m premature deaths from smoking in 2000 - 2.41m in developing countries and 2.4m in industrialised countries.

Mortality as a result of smoking will rise substantially unless effective interventions and policies that curb and reduce smoking among men and prevent increases among women.
In few days time u all will be coming across a spate of articles letting u know how the tobacco industry has mislead the world.

Half of the world’s countries have now ratified the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and, in doing so, have signed up to protect their citizens from second-hand smoke. The tiny kingdom of Bhutan has gone furthest of all by banning the sale of tobacco products altogether. The tobacco-free age is just around the corner.

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